Kodak Camera $15
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The cart is full, completely filled and every three blocks we take a rest. Hector is afraid that his cart will collapse, but also very proud to see it loaded three meters high. "Don’t you have a camera with you," he asks. I take a photo; it’s already dark and the camera flashes.
We are in front of a kind of social society building and people walk out, waked up by the flashlight. Without asking anything they start telling good things they do for the cartoneros. Hector and I look at each other amazed, we didn’t ask them anything and have more interest to rest than to listen to these lovely talks of this middleclass social society. "We give them every Thursday food on the square," they yell. "But it’s a shame that you can’t eat that food, it’s usually too old," says Hector irritated. It surprises me; his criteria are not that high. Hector makes out of me a journalist to get a simple explanation why we took that photo. It worsens the situation even more. We don’t know how quick to leave.

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