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Gabi gives everybody a small piece of paper. A pencil is going around and she collects the papers.
Gabi is the delegada of the cartoneros. She takes the responsibility that everything goes well. Although it looks like chaos, they are well organised.
We wait for the Tren Blanco and they chose Fidel as their second delegado. He will go on the first train and she will take the last one, the 12 o’clock one.
"And what does it earn," I ask him a few days later. "A headache," he answers. He went in the morning to a meeting of the delegados with the train-company in San Martin. "Did you talk a lot," I ask. "No, just 15 seconds."
They discussed the problems there are at this moment. "A problem for example is that the kids throw bottles from the riding Tren Blanco at the waiting passengers on the platform," Fidel tells. "But there is also the problem of the train condition. There are no sits, no windows, no doors, no light and the holes in the floor become bigger and bigger."

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