A Saint and a Church $20
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It’s a strange day today. The whole day there has been a tough wind. Although every week there are more cartoneros, today it is strangely quiet.
"You were also that tired yesterday," asks Maria. "Yes, broken," I answer. It was really triggering yesterday. Pushing the heavily loaded cart of Hector the whole day. She sits next to me and tells me how they could sell everything. Hector was afraid he couldn’t sell the big roll of tape we found yesterday, a roll of 60 kilos. It was not a problem; it was a great day yesterday for them.
Hector comes to us and sits down. "You bring luck," he says and gives me some small presents, a small metal lama, a pair of scissors and a sharpener. He surprises me.
A group of friendly youngsters with sandwiches and clothes passes by. It’s the caritas, the charity of the church. "Their sandwiches are really nice," I say to Hector. "Well, yes, but it’s better than nothing," he says sarcastically.

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